Collaborating With Criticism

Camila Gutierrez, Media Manager

    You walk towards the door you’re all dolled up, and so are your friends. The night is young you’re ready for your first-ever homecoming at Timnath. You walk through the first two doors and hear the faint sound of music. Vivid smiles from the ticket ushers. You pay, you get in. 


Everyone is in a little huddle in front of the learning stairs?

 Lackluster decorations: Measly streamers, a Coca-Cola sign, flat balloons, and a balloon arch behind the DJ.


Hoco is emptier than Spirit Halloween the day after Halloween.

September, seventeenth, twenty twenty-three cub visions’ first-ever homecoming! No, scratch that, their first-ever event! All eyes are on them. This was it the student body was counting on them. Homecoming, a freshmen’s first-ever high school dance. And Timnaths first homecoming in over 60 years. 

No pressure.  

Students arrive, pumped with adrenaline, and maybe even nervous. Ready to hit the dance floor to some great music…


Huston, we have a problem‒the DJ.


Did they find this DJ off of wish, or was he a friend of a friend? Because man was that something, I mean the squeaky clean music?! I promise you that high schoolers can handle an F-bomb or two. And what was up with the random turn-table noises?!  The awful transitions from song to song were rockier than a rock!

A testimony from Petra a sophomore when asked about her thoughts about homecomings DJ “I remember it being kinda mid” 

Luckily word gets around, When asked what was  the best improvement from Homecoming to the winter formal Clair said: 

 “The DJ was definitely an improvement from the dances” “Well a lot of people around the school were talking about how homecoming wasn’t the best and the DJ wasn’t the best”

 Cub vision heard the students out, on the night of the winter formal our critiques had been heard. That night the most beautiful sound was heard (or the lack of it) No more weird transitions from song to song!!!

According to Cannon, a freshman,

“The DJ was much better!”

It might not have been spring but change and growth were most certainly in the Air, as the year has progressed cub visions has truly stepped up and is providing the rest of us with a great high school experience.

The glimmering lights, slushies, and snowflakes made it all feel like a true winter wonderland.

“We had time to learn from our mistakes: More decorations, and a better DJ.”- Ellie a member of Cub Visions

“It felt more put together” – Petra 

Friends make things great

Regardless of any faults, the majority of attendants had fun, sure having a good DJ, decorations, and snacks make an event good, but what truly makes an event like Hoco or Winter formal memorable is the memories made with your friends. Even though I myself nagged quite a bit about what could have been better, I had a fantastic time. The main reason being, that I had my friends there, I made a thousand memories that night, having frostys outside under the night sky, while simple, was incredible.

Other people also felt the same way! I asked multiple people what their experience at homecoming and Winter formal was like, and the only thing in common was: Enjoying spending time with their friends. 

“It was fun I got to do line dances and hang out with a bunch of people!” – Cannon 

“It was the first dance I was going to with my new school friends, so I wasn’t sure how it was gonna go, but it went great. -Petra 

“I enjoyed taking pictures with my friends” – Anonymous 

  “It was fun dancing to Shake it off with my friends” -A freshman 

It honestly didn’t matter where at school Cub visions hosted the dance, it could’ve been hosted by the school dumpsters and it still would’ve been a blast because, at the end of the day, it’s not a party without the people.