All Aboard the Struggle Bus!

Loss after loss begins to stack up, and the weight is heavy.

January 27, 2023

The scoreboard is screaming forty-nine to zero with little time on the clock, the Timnath crowd slowly depleting as the time slowly reaches the end not waiting for the winning touchdown, knowing it’s not coming. Why wait if there is no time or opportunity to get the upper hand in the remaining minutes?

Dramatic emotions were dug up during the fall sports season at Timnath High School due to the large and visible scoreboards being displayed most evenings. A football player told us that “Almost every Friday night, it seems as though a bunch of adults just played a match against little children”. Now, this is not always the case, but by a lot or a little, a loss is still a loss. Even though it’s a loss, it’s a learning experience and the team learns from the losses. 

With a brand new school, it only makes sense for the students and staff to want their athletes to make a name for themselves by beating the competition despite the odds stacked against them. Unfortunately, those odds can and will add up. 

Into the Endzone

Football is often looked upon as one of the thrills of high school, for the student body, and athletes, and something that most adults wish they could relive. It’s said that there is no other atmosphere like the Friday Night Lights over a packed stadium, with cheering and yelling, making the bleachers rattle as winning touchdowns are scored. Not many of those touchdowns were seen nor were the stands as loud as they should be. 

The fact is that the football team’s record stands as 0-9, and junior varsity winning just one game against Prospect Ridge Academy. One of the great moments of high school was lost. The fans left disappointed. There was no redemption for them. 

Lights, Camera, Action

What about all of the drama that was built up before the school year was underway? Didn’t people say that our teams would be the ones to watch? Why is it so difficult to win against 2A and 3A level athletics? Does age really make that much of a difference? The answer is yes. Of course it does. Believe it or not, seventeen and eighteen year old seniors playing at the varsity level are far more advanced than fourteen and fifteen year old freshmen.

Their growth in strength, muscle mass, endurance, and an overall better knowledge of the game, outmatches the other teams on a grave scale. Although some of our student athletes are as tall or as big as are opponents, they lack a certain amount of adult features that boost their performances. Being younger means a lack of strength along with the concept of speed and agility. Unfortunately the young age also comes with a lack of self control over their emotions, between determination, dedication, resilience and even flexibility in your schedule and day to day life there are many things that are just needed on a team no matter what school you are playing or 

Team vs Team

It’s hard to feel like you are worth playing not only for your team but for your school when you are playing against schools and students who have been on these big teams for years. It’s hard to take a loss, yet it is a great learning experience for the team, and it can make them better and know what they’re up against in the future. and people telling you that it will change in a few years doesn’t make it feel any better. 

The truth for student athletes is that these next few years are going to be hard and will most definitely hurt, but that doesn’t mean you are worth anything less than the juniors and seniors at the other schools. But it is okay to feel upset about your situation, so let it resonate with you. Continuously hearing that “many students would kill to be on their school’s varsity team as a freshman” and “you are making a legacy, so give it your all” from your teachers, friends, and family can become annoying and in many cases isn’t making you feel any better. It’s okay to give yourself space to have these emotions and be upset by them.

Almost everyone feels that way!

As for us Cubs who don’t play a sport for our school, continue to show up to the games with the highest morale. Cheer on your fellow classmates, and even when they lose, show them how their hard work is paying off. Because you are Timnath Cubs and you are shaping this school to be better!

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